About us


Phoenix Soap and Detergents is a leading bio detergent soap and powder manufacturing company based in TamilNadu, India. Associated with a help of siddha and ayurvethic doctors we innovated a new product “Medidet” herbal based bio-detergent powder and cake.


  1. 19 years old
  2. Commitment to excel
  3. 30 employees with varied experiences


  1. To be a dynamic growth oriented organization
  2. To constantly maintain the quality of all our products


  1. To promote traditional herbs, for the use of common man
  2. Committed to quality
  3. Customer centric attitude

Manufacturing Unit

Comprising latest technology based machines, which enable us to deliver both quantitative and qualitative products.


  1. Medidet – Herbal based Bio Detergent Soap
  2. Medidet – Herbal based bio Detergent Washing Powder

Product Uniqueness

  1. First to manufacture herbal based washing products.
  2. Strict to quality standards

With kind regards looking forward for your valuable enquiry.
contact us at support@medidet.com

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